The resources listed here are intended as background information and materials for the use of volunteers who are presenting to community groups, manning information booths or even having informal conversations with friends and neighbours.
Materials produced by the Blue Dot Movement and Ecojustice:
Materials produced by HealthyYEG:
- Sample cover letter to introduce HealthyYEG to a community group. Please feel free to modify and update statistics on declarations and pledges signed. Updates can be found at:
- Sample community group motion to support environmental rights. Please feel free to taylor the motion to the needs of your community group.
- Brief powerpoint presentation on HealthyYEG and our goals and asks to present to community group. Please feel free to edit and update statistics on declarations and pledges signed, as above. Be sure to look at the notes section for each slide. Recommend printing notes view for presenters.
- Outline for brief oral presentation on HealthyYEG and our goals and asks to present to community group. Please feel free to edit and update statistics on declarations and pledges signed, as above.
- 4-Up Flyer
- Draft Strategic Plan